Design and manufacturing of subracks, desktop cases, RF shields and components to safeguard your critical communications and electronics systems for a wide range of applications.

19” Desktop Сase
(COMPTEC equivalent)
(COMPTEC equivalent)
Desktop case (Comptec equivalent) is compatible with the 19” Subrack and used for installation of such units as craters, 19” ventilator blocks or 19” front panels. As a rule, the case is intended for desktop devices.

19" Desktop Case for individual
electronic components installation
electronic components installation
Desktop Case for installation of internal 19” components
according to МEК 60297-3-101-200 state standard, e.g. insertion
modules and euroboards. Compatible with 19” Subrack and used for installation of such
units as craters, 19” ventilator blocks or 19” front panels. As a rule, the
chassis is intended for desktop devices.

19" Decktop Case
(RATIOPACPRO equivalent)
(RATIOPACPRO equivalent)
Instrumental case and 19”sub-block in one, light and compact design. Ventilation openings in bottom panel, which provides for additional cooling. Possibility of supplying perforated back panel and front handles, width and depth modification.