Design and manufacturing of subracks, desktop cases, RF shields and components to safeguard your critical communications and electronics systems for a wide range of applications

19" Subrack
(EuropacPRO equivalent)
(EuropacPRO equivalent)
19" Subracks by GETTERS is identical in design and manufacture to the EuropacPRO leading branch-item. The subracks is based on a modular platform, has a broad size range and easily meets individual customer requirements including various options for internal equipment, customized configuration of installed components as well as additional cut-outs and openings.

19" Chassis
19" chassis especially designed for horizontal board insertion and non-standard component installation like transformers and other heavy-load accessories that are usually mounted on a support panel. GETTERS offers sheet steel chassis (aluzink coated) with 3 mm-aluminum profile front panel, customer-configured, as well as aluminum chassis.

GETTERS offers
broad component selection for subrack/block chassis, including front and back
railing, printed boards support brackets, PCB-guide rails, current-conductive
gaskets, threaded insert pieces, aluminum profile trapeze-shaped handles etc.